建築材料及設備分類目錄 Building Materials Index
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建築材料 Building Materials

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Building Materials Index
A01; 一般建材 General Materials
A02; 天花材料 Ceiling Materials
A03; 隔間材料 Partition Materials
A04; 水泥製品 Cement & Concrete
A05; 木材製品 Timber & Processing
A06; 五金材料 Ironmongery, Hardware Materials
A07; 門鎖材料 Door Locks
A08; 地材地坪 | 地板 Flooring
A09; 門窗設备 Door & Windows
A10; 金屬鋼材 Iron & Steel
A11; 油漆塗料 Paints & Varnishes
A12; 建築玻璃建材 Glass Construction Products
A13; 帷幕牆 Curtain Walling
A14; 化工建材 Chemicals
A15; 防水隔熱,保護 Waterproofing & Fire, Protection Materials
A16; 石材磚瓦 Stones & Tiles
A17; 裝潢材料 Decoration Materials
A18; 環保材料 Green Building Materials
A19; 耐震材料 Earthquake Resistant Materials
A20; 廢料回收 Green Recycle
A21; 人造石面材料 Solid Surfacing
羅莎建築材料 Rosa Building Materials
水泥製品 Cement & Concrete
index search
水锟斤拷锟経散锟斤拷 線上供應商記錄 Total Supplier(s) Record : 85
1 香港經緯藝術建材有限公司 Hong Kong L & L Artistic Building Material Ltd.
Hong Kong L & L Artistic Building Material Ltd.
RosaRef : 5481 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2016-09-09

2 景聯混凝土鑽鑿有限公司 KINGLAND Concrete Drilling Company Limited
★混凝土鑽孔 ★ 鑽石碟式切割 ★ 鑽石鋼絲切割 ★ 鋼筋混凝土植筋
RosaRef : 1314 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-02-17

3 青洲英坭有限公司 Green Island Cement (Holdings) Limited.
The division is operated under Green Island Cement Company Limited (GIC) with the only integrated cement facilities in Hong Kong. The designed capacity of cement grinding and clinker production are 2.5 million tonnes and 1.5 million tonnes respectively. In addition to Ordinary Portland Cement, GIC produces high early strength and low alkaline cement in Hong Kong and cement products are traded under the brand names of Emerald, Golden Eagle, Special Green Island, Jade in assorted packings of 45kg, 50kg and 1,000kg bag as well as in bulk.
RosaRef : 8953 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2008-10-22

4 港基防水工程有限公司
裂縫灌漿, 石屎維修,漏水檢查,天面防水, 材料應用, 諮詢服務,We specialize in offering effective and efficient waterproofing solutions
RosaRef : 5373 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-02-17

5 格雷斯(香港)有限公司 W. R. GRACE HK LTD
Grace建築產品公司提供各種新型的特殊建築化學品和材料,包括:混凝土摻加劑和纖維、建築水泥產品、水泥加工添加劑、混凝土砌築產品、結構防水系統和耐火產品。Grace Construction Products offers a wide range of innovative specialty construction chemicals and materials that includes: concrete admixtures and fibers, products for architectural concrete, cement processing additives, concrete masonry products, structural waterproofing systems and fire products.
RosaRef : 1442 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2010-01-18

6 James Hardie
James Hardie: World Leader in Fiber Cement Siding and Backerboard, Providing "A Better Way to Build" for over 100 years, Manufacturer of Fiber Cement Siding, Backerboard.
RosaRef : 8957 Market : 海外 Oversea Last Update : 2008-11-01

7 Sika H.K. Ltd
Sika is a global company with a world-wide network of subsidiaries active in the fields of speciality chemicals for construction and industry. Sika is committed to quality, service, safety and environmental care. Our world-leading branded products are all proven solutions and are based on our core capability in the following areas: Sealing - Bonding - Damping - Reinforcing - Protecting
RosaRef : 1049 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2010-03-24

8 華輝行(香港)有限公司 Wah Fai Hong Ltd
建築材料 : 黑水泥、白水泥、沙、石、磚、砂漿/批盪料、石屎維修、地台、防水料、瓦片、不銹鋼/鑄鐵、預製件、網、五金、馬路用品、石材、木材、機械/工具、工業用油…… Cement (black & white), Sand, Aggregates / Leca , Plaster, Concrete Repair, Flooring System, Waterproofing, Tiles, Stainless Steel / Cast Iron, Precast Concrete, Wire Mesh, Hardware, Road Product, Stone, Timber, Machine & Equipment, Industrial Oil, etc….
RosaRef : 1069 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2010-03-24

9 多寶德物業保養有限公司 Multi Protect Building Maintenance Ltd
主要工作從事物業保養方面,提供工程檢查 / 勘察及評估、 石屎維修、灌漿 / 打針工程、天面防水、地庫防水、水缸(密閉空間)防水、玻璃幕牆防水、地台塗料、馬路熱塑漆、外牆滲水維修、大廈夾縫維修、泥水 / 雲石工程、油漆及保護塗料、木工玻璃、鐵器 / 不銹鋼工程、水喉 / 排水管、電業等工程、室內還原及大廈翻新及修復等等。 The company mainly concentrates in building maintenance works, the waterproofing works, chemical grouting works, concrete repair works, seepage control works, flooring, expansion joint repair works, roofing, window sill seepage repair works, metal and stainless steel works, piping and drainage works, painting works, marble and cementitious works, carpentry works & renovation works etc.
RosaRef : 5393 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-05-10

10 百利高(香港)有限公司 Barinco (HK) Ltd
We are a specialist contractors of tanking, roofing and suspended ceiling installation. During the past years, we have completed numbers of projects both for the Government and private sectors. Besides contracting, we are also agents for 'BONDCRETE'
RosaRef : 1420 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-04-10

Global brand
羅莎關鍵字搜尋 Rosakeyword search
A.L.C.輕質混凝土 building panels Cement & Concrete Products cement board Cement products CFC預鑄板 Color Concrete concrete density concrete repair concrete spalling Curved Precast Concrete Kerbs decorative concrete density of concrete 人行道水泥磚 收縮水泥 鑽泥板 全自動水泥 水泥纖維薄板 水泥鑄鐵溝蓋 水泥藝術磚 水泥砂漿 水泥庭園磚 水泥瓦 水泥瓦筒 水泥瓦片 水泥製品 水泥製品生產 水泥製品生產商 水泥製品材料 水泥灶 水泥粘土灌漿 水泥旗桿座 水泥模具 水泥柱 水泥柱供應商 水泥塊 水泥導盲磚 水泥擴散劑 水泥條 水泥欄杆 水泥涼亭 水泥爐 水泥牆 水泥牆板 水泥板 水泥薄板 水泥彩磚 水泥步道磚 水泥地面磚 水泥隔熱磚 水泥管 水泥花盆 水泥花磚供應 水泥角 水泥桌椅 水溝蓋 石屎 砂漿 預鑄水泥牆板 預鑄R.C.牆 預鑄板生產 預製混凝土 預製混凝土蓋 預製混凝土製品 預製混凝土鋪路磚 預製混凝土橋 預製混凝土樑 預製混凝土構件 預製混凝土牆 預製混凝土板 預製混凝土磚 預製混凝土磚塊 預制構件 預拌混凝土 lightweight concrete Paving Polymer Concrete precast concrete prestressed concrete PU 樹脂條泡混凝土 reinforced concrete 輕石屎 輕質合成水泥 輕質混凝土產品 鋼筋混凝土 鋼絲水泥 木材夾板 木絲水泥板 植草磚 噴漿 彈性水泥 濕式灌漿牆 瀝青混凝土 無收縮水泥 白水泥 彩色水泥 彩色水泥磚 彩色混凝土 玻璃纖維預製件 高壓管 混凝土添加劑 混凝土製品 混凝土板 自平性水泥



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