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羅莎建築材料 Rosa Building Materials
化工建材 Chemicals
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锟絟锟斤拷锟斤拷脂 線上供應商記錄 Total Supplier(s) Record : 90
1 維嘉斯(香港)有限公司 Sino Vegas (HK) Ltd
- introduced Xypex - Concrete Waterproofing by Crystallization, concrete waterproofing products have developed to meet the wide variety of application situations faced by industrial users. Xypex can be applied as an admix, as a slurry coat, or by the dry shak method.
RosaRef : 9133 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-04-16

2 格雷斯(香港)有限公司 W. R. GRACE HK LTD
Grace建築產品公司提供各種新型的特殊建築化學品和材料,包括:混凝土摻加劑和纖維、建築水泥產品、水泥加工添加劑、混凝土砌築產品、結構防水系統和耐火產品。Grace Construction Products offers a wide range of innovative specialty construction chemicals and materials that includes: concrete admixtures and fibers, products for architectural concrete, cement processing additives, concrete masonry products, structural waterproofing systems and fire products.
RosaRef : 1442 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2010-01-18

3 Sika H.K. Ltd
Sika is a global company with a world-wide network of subsidiaries active in the fields of speciality chemicals for construction and industry. Sika is committed to quality, service, safety and environmental care. Our world-leading branded products are all proven solutions and are based on our core capability in the following areas: Sealing - Bonding - Damping - Reinforcing - Protecting
RosaRef : 1049 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2010-03-24

4 阿克蘇諾貝爾 Akzo Nobel nv (Headquarters)
阿克蘇諾貝爾是全球領先的工業企業,總部設于荷蘭阿姆斯特丹,核心業務包括裝飾漆、高性能塗料業務和專業化學品業務,是全球領先的油漆和塗料公司。Akzo Nobel Coatings, headquartered in the Netherlands, is the world's biggest paint manufacturer since 1999, has over 36 prestigious brands worldwide and has activities in more than 80 countries. Our major brands in Hong Kong include Permoglaze (for Interior), Sandtex Trade (for Exterior) and Sikkens (for Woodstains), etc...
RosaRef : 1013 Market : 海外 Oversea Last Update : 2014-02-05

5 永聯結 (遠東) 有限公司 Ronacrete (Far East) Limited
混凝土維修及塗料...產品包括維修砂漿、保護底漆、平整面層及保護塗料,均可選以保險承保,並獲英國Board of Agrement 證書,定能為客戶提供周全及長遠的保障。 over 30 years experience. exceed requirements of national and international standards. with a proven record of accomplishment ...
RosaRef : 1358 Market : 海外 Oversea Last Update : 2009-04-16

6 丹東三冠防水材料有限責任公司
產品類別: 丁基橡膠防水卷材 | APP改性瀝青防水卷材 | SBS改性瀝青防水卷材 | 改性瀝青複合胎柔性防水卷材 | 橡膠卷材粘合劑 | 路橋用改性瀝青防水塗料 | 改性瀝青防水卷材冷粘合劑
RosaRef : 1828 Market : 中國 China Last Update : 2009-05-21

7 阿克蘇諾貝爾 - 香港 Akzo Nobel Decorative Coatings (HK) Ltd
阿克蘇諾貝爾是全球首屈一指的工業企業,是全球最大的塗料生產廠商,在裝飾塗料和功能性塗料領域排名第一,並且是專業化學品的全球主要供應商。Akzo Nobel is one of the world’s leading industrial companies. We are the largest global coatings manufacturer and the number one in decorative paints and performance coatings, as well as being a major worldwide supplier of specialty chemicals.
RosaRef : 1144 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-04-16

8 東偉企業有限公司 Oriental Gateway Enterprise Ltd
建材:土地填築襯裏〡木材防腐劑〡木線板〡大理石護理產品〡外牆抗水劑〡地板漆〡多彩塗料〡自動黏貼帶〡防水材料〡防潮材料〡金屬及木材防腐劑〡油漆與清漆〡屋頂材料/系統〡玻璃密封材料〡除漆劑/器〡排水織物〡塗料〡預製混凝土接縫劑〡膠黏劑及密封膠〡灌漿、灰漿、水泥漿〡瀝青及瀝青製品〡牆身特殊效果 品牌:ELASTOSIL Expansion joints Brick/block work Plastering and tiling Others (Light weight concrete) Brush painting Spray painting Others (Joint Sealant)
RosaRef : 5504 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-05-10

9 八達膠管有限公司

RosaRef : 9035 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-04-10

10 積架石油化工有限公司 Jaeger Oil & Chemical Co Ltd
集團產品多集中於中檔至高檔的工業用潤滑油脂,除本身擁有的品牌──「積架」(Jaeger)外(集團已在香港及中國註冊「積架」商標),集團亦是以下品牌在中國的獨家經銷商: 英國「比爾」(Korniche) 旗下高級特種潤滑產品 英國「威樂」(Rite-Lok) 旗下全線工業用黏合膠 美國 G.W. Smith & Sons 旗下全線壓鑄潤滑劑 日本「扶桑精機」(Fuso Seiki)旗下的「露明納」(Lumina) 高精密自動噴霧器 日本「日米」(Nichibei) 旗下全線壓鑄產品及 比利時「蘇渡」(Soudal)旗下的「滴加補」(Dakorub) 防漏及密封產品 the Group’s own brand name “Jaeger” (the Group has registered the brand name “Jaeger” in Hong Kong and PRC), the Group is the sole distribution agent for the following brands and products: Belgium Soudal’s Dakorub waterproofing membrane & sealants Japan Fuso Seiki’s Lumina automatic spray guns Japan Nichibei’s full range of die casting products UK Korniche’s full range of specialty lubricants UK Rite-Lok’s full range of industrial adhesives US G.W. Smith & Sons’s die casting lubricants
RosaRef : 1716 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-12-19

Global brand
羅莎關鍵字搜尋 Rosakeyword search
脫模劑 construction chemicals 養護劑 epoxy 速凝劑 塑膠 塑膠材料 fiberglass FRP 填縫膠 矽利康 硬化劑 PU填縫膠 silicone sealant 膨脹劑 耐酸鹼樹脂 植筋膠 止滑劑 導熱膠 減水劑 環氧樹脂 保麗龍 玻璃纖維膠帶 玻璃纖維布 玻璃纖維網 磁磚黏著劑 防火填塞 防火延燒材料 防火管道 防菌劑 防護欄 防撞欄 灌漿劑 化學錨栓 接著劑 快乾膠 抗裂纖維



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