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A16; 石材磚瓦 Stones & Tiles
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羅莎建築材料 Rosa Building Materials
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锟酵伙拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷 線上供應商記錄 Total Supplier(s) Record : 125
1 Dupont Corian
DuPont™ Corian® Solid Surface is one of the most versatile materials in the global market- place today. Consumers and professionals from all over the world are increasingly discovering that Corian® is a material with endless potential.
RosaRef : 5912 Market : 海外 Oversea Last Update : 2009-12-28

2 華冠木業有限公司 Garish Crown Resources Ltd
櫻木牌實木製品系列 包括木線、門框、凹凸池鼓雕刻門、雕刻產品、羅馬柱、樓梯扶手、梯柱、地板、萬能坑板,波浪板……等常用產品。 蜜蜂牌夾板製品系列: 証書消防、拼花門.、白漆門、凹凸夾板池板門、各種實木頂腳線、花式藝術夾板、組合套裝科技門及各款商鋪/家居時尚裝飾產品。
RosaRef : 1055 Market : 香港 Hong Kong; Last Update : 2010-03-24

3 Franke Sissons Ltd
Manufacturers and Distributors of Stainless Steel and Composite Sanitaryware, Stainless Steel Industrial, Retail and Catering Equipment and Non-residential Sinks.
RosaRef : 6086 Market : 海外 Oversea Last Update : 2010-01-05

4 合時木行有限公司 Hop Sze Timber Co Ltd
- 德國 OSMO 之戶外、室內木材保護劑及環保可修補地板硬蜡油
- 芬蘭 不變形高溫木適用於室內、戶外 (Thermowood)
- 意大利花式木片及哥倫布彩條系列
- 德國手造長闊條木地板5米長30厘米闊
- 西班牙雀眼塑膠板系列及櫃門鋁質封邊條
- 德國 P A G H O L Z 塑木耐用座椅

除以上產品外,還有裝修業挑選材料一應俱全 專營特種木材。
- 特級木材......來自美國、非洲、德國、澳洲......
Specialist distributors of quality timber products and accessories.
- OSMO wood finishes for indoors and outdoors from Germany.
- PAGHOLZ maintenance free form seat from Germany for schools & canteens.
- SCHOTTEN & HANSEN long strip plank wooden floor from Germany.
- Environmentally friendly thermo wood (不變形高溫木) from Finland.

RosaRef : 1248 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2011-08-12

5 Versa Wallcovering
Versa wallcovering epitomizes the eclecticism and versatility demanded by today's designers. The Versa collection offers a synchronous blend of classic and contemporary, sophistication and playfulness, and tradition mixed with innovation. Versa's bold colors, stylish patterns and refined textures exude quality, yet Versa is priced to fit to a broad range of commercial applications. Eclectic. Versatile. Affordable. That's Versa.
RosaRef : 6428 Market : 海外 Oversea Last Update : 2009-01-16

6 嘉善縣建森木業有限公司 Jiashan Jiansen Wood Industry Co., Ltd.
公司主要生產膠合板地板基材和裝璜及傢俱配套膠合板、細木工板、建築及工程範本、覆膜板、膠合板地板、彎曲膠合板、飾面板。The enterprise mainly produces flooring base plywood and plywood for decoration and furniture. The production of blockboards,shuttering plywood,film-faced plywood,engineering plywood,decorated plywood and post forming curved plywood.
RosaRef : 3893 Market : 中國 China Last Update : 2009-01-08

7 安達建材(香港)有限公司 Andermax (Hong Kong) Ltd
專注於設計和供應各種名貴的建材,例如,天花.屋頂.圍牆. 消聲木牆和天花板等等.- specializes in designing and supplying of prestige building materials typically in the area of ceiling, metal roof, metal cladding, acoustic timber wall and ceiling panels. Brand Names: GEMA | MATHYS DESIGN | MONTATEC | N'H AKUSTIK | TOPAKUSTIK | TOPPERFO
RosaRef : 1019 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2012-10-24

8 達明裝飾材料有限公司 Tat Ming Decorative Materials Ltd
達明牆紙有限公司自1981年成立,至今已累積逾二十六年經驗,一直為專業室內設計師、辦公室、酒店及住宅等各類型的顧客提供優質牆紙,貨品主要來自美國、荷蘭、意大利、丹麥及日本等地,素質高達國際水平,現更持續引進時尚流行的新產品,如 3form 環保不碎膠片、日式味濃的和紙、快捷方便的黏貼牆紙等,款色萬千多變,讓顧客永遠快人一步,走在時代尖端。Thibaut Wallpaper Distributors (China,Hong Kong)
RosaRef : 1410 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2010-03-10

9 諾誌工程有限公司 Signlogic Co Ltd
專業生產 : ★ 設計和生產各類型外牆大型電虹燈飾、招牌標誌,並提供工程安裝服務。設計、製作及安裝戶外大型廣告燈箱。店戶招牌、貴台及接待檯燈箱及裝飾工程。 ★ 物業各類型戶外、室內指示牌、導向牌等標識設計製作安裝代理國際通用、常用公共訊息指示系統、彩色標識吊掛招牌,室內外組合標誌牌等。Scope of services - Design and production of all types of large sized external neon lights decoration,logo signboard including installation services. - Design,production and installation of large sized external advertisement light box. - Shop front signage, the light box and decoration project for counters or reception desk. - Design,production and installation of different kinds of external and internal signages and the directory signplates of the building. - Agent for the inernational common is use of 'ALU-SIGN'propri-etary sign system.
RosaRef : 8081 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-04-23

10 Standard Fibreglass Co
- Fibreglass Product - Crystal Fibre - Fibreglass Furniture - Sculpture - Signage - Sandstone - GRC-Glass Fiber Reinforce Concrete - Fibreglass Repair & Maintenance Services
RosaRef : 5371 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-04-16

Global brand
羅莎關鍵字搜尋 Rosakeyword search
蒙特利面材 纖維雕塑 Corian Solid Surface 藝品 Fiberglass Fabrication 搪瓷鋼板 melamine facings moulding products 裝飾面板 裝飾耐火板 裝飾板材 裝飾花線 playground surfacing Solid Surface solid surface materials solid surfacing material surfacing materials wallcoverings wallpapers 耐火面板材料 牆腳線 壁飾 壁紙 彩畫 布料 浮雕 家飾 納米布料 線板



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