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Building Materials Index
A01; 一般建材 General Materials
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A05; 木材製品 Timber & Processing
A06; 五金材料 Ironmongery, Hardware Materials
A07; 門鎖材料 Door Locks
A08; 地材地坪 | 地板 Flooring
A09; 門窗設备 Door & Windows
A10; 金屬鋼材 Iron & Steel
A11; 油漆塗料 Paints & Varnishes
A12; 建築玻璃建材 Glass Construction Products
A13; 帷幕牆 Curtain Walling
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A15; 防水隔熱,保護 Waterproofing & Fire, Protection Materials
A16; 石材磚瓦 Stones & Tiles
A17; 裝潢材料 Decoration Materials
A18; 環保材料 Green Building Materials
A19; 耐震材料 Earthquake Resistant Materials
A20; 廢料回收 Green Recycle
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羅莎建築材料 Rosa Building Materials
門窗設备 Door & Windows
index search
模锟斤拷锟絋 線上供應商記錄 Total Supplier(s) Record : 201
1 同和裝修工程公司 Tong Vo Chong Sao Cong Cheng Cong Si



RosaRef : 4342 Market : 澳門 Macau Last Update : 2016-12-05

2 聯昌行貿易有限公司 Nice Trading Co Ltd
專業窗飾供應商及承建商 - 經營窗簾和家俬布料。 >>> 捲簾、百折簾、屏風簾、百葉簾、維迪紗簾、羅馬簾、窗簾路軌、垂直簾、天幕窗簾、木百葉簾 ★窗簾路軌及各式窗簾配件等等,布料方面有遮光、半遮光及透光。 Specalist shading design for distributors, contractors, developers and retailers. >>> ˙Roller Blinds ˙Pleated Blinds ˙Panel Screen ˙Venetian Blinds ˙Ventex Blinds ˙Roman Blinds ˙Curtain Rail ˙Vertical Blinds ˙Skylight System ˙Timber Blinds
RosaRef : 1326 Market : 香港 Hong Kong ; 中國 China Last Update : 2012-03-20

3 廣豪興實業有限公司 Trimark Industrial Corporation
專營: 裝飾五金, 傢俬抽手, 歡迎代理銷售及專案配合.
RosaRef : 10441 Market : 台灣 Taiwan; Last Update : 2011-03-24

4 建泓工程有限公司
RosaRef : 9050 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-04-10

5 Foa spl
Foaporte Doors
RosaRef : 9022 Market : 海外 Oversea Last Update : 2009-03-20

6 S.M. Engineering Ltd
- Structural glass wall supported with steel frame/tension structure - Skylight and canopy - Metal roofing system including aluminium, steel, titanium-zinc - Metal wall cladding systems including aluminium, stainless steel, vitreous enamel steel - Fire resistant glass wall, window and door - Acoustic glazing system and noise barrier - Safety glass shop front and window
RosaRef : 9197 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-04-23

7 LEVOLOR A Newell Rubbermaid Company
Levolor Home Fashions is the leading manufacturer of Metal, Wood & Faux Wood horizontal blinds, PVC and Fabric vertical blinds, Cellular, Pleated and Roller shades. Given its diverse product selection, Levolor has the perfect blind for your needs -- to fit every design scheme and budget.
RosaRef : 6055 Market : 海外 Oversea Last Update : 2009-01-16

8 Out of the Blue Design Studio
Out of the Blue Design Studio designs and manufactures the most unique and highest quality Art Glass decorative hardware on the planet. Working with a palette of the finest glass artists worldwide, we have achieved the most diverse collection of designs and techniques in our products for interior designers, builders, architects and the public to choose from. We are constantly searching for accomplished glass artists to collaborate with for new designs to incorporate into functional art products. Custom commissions are welcomed.
RosaRef : 9018 Market : 海外 Oversea Last Update : 2009-03-20

9 華冠木業有限公司 Garish Crown Timber Ltd
★櫻木牌實木製品系列......包括木線、門框、凹凸池鼓雕刻門、雕刻產品、羅馬柱、樓梯扶手、梯柱、地板、萬能坑板,波浪板……等常用產品。 ★蜜蜂牌夾板製品系列......証書消防、拼花門.、白漆門、凹凸夾板池板門、各種實木頂腳線、花式藝術夾板、組合套裝科技門及各款商鋪/家居時尚裝飾產品。 Baseboard Sheet | Instant Nails | Flexible Gap Sealant
RosaRef : 8998 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-10-15

10 群興有限公司 Mutual Prosper Co Ltd
專營各種防水防火西德板,可用於訂製廚櫃、桌面及門板,適合家居或辦公室裝修。 品牌名稱: 西德板Pionite High Pressure laminates
RosaRef : 4760 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-12-09

Global brand
羅莎關鍵字搜尋 Rosakeyword search
Aluminum Windows Architectural Laminate Doors automatic entrance systems 鉛板門 鉛板自動門 羅馬簾 銅雕門 銅雕工藝門 銅格門 鈦金門 Bali Blinds DIY摺門 door design 旋轉門 斜屋頂天窗 玄關門 柔紗捲簾 鐵門 伸縮大門 Electric Roman Shade Electric Skylight 日式捲簾 鑄鋁門 塑鋼門窗 電動羅馬簾 電動捲門 電動百葉簾 電動大門 電動大門機 電動窗簾路軌 水密門 fiberglass door Fireproof Door folding door handcrafted exterior doors 下拉紗窗 天幕簾 風琴簾 interior doors 消音捲門 吸塑門 推拉門 推拉窗 推射窗 威盧克斯門窗 Laminate Doors MDF door 複合門 折疊門 移門 Pleated Blind PVC Door pvc門窗 Roller blinds roman blind roof window Roof Windows rtain rail Security Doors Skylight System sliding door stainless steel door Timber Blind Venetian blinds vertical blind vertical windows Window Covering Window Covering Accessories window curtains 車庫門 排煙窗 鍛造門 屏風簾 鋁門 鋁塑門 鋁趟摺門 鋁質門窗 鋁百葉窗 鋁合金捲門 鋁框門 鋼木門 模壓門 平開門 木塑門 木簾 對拉紗窗 廣角窗 採光捲門 捲門機 捲窗 樂思富窗飾 橫拉門 氣密門 百摺簾 安全門 安全捲門 玻璃捲門 玻璃摺門 窗簾路軌 窗簾配件 窗簾布料 垂直簾 德利門 雕刻門 防水閘門 防水捲門 防蚊紗窗 防爆門 防火窗 蜂巢簾 固定窗 節能屋頂窗 活動拉門 活動拉門工程 活動天窗 花格捲門 花格窗 滑昇門 金屬門 組合門窗 維迪紗簾 景觀窗 自動轉門 遙控捲門



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