建築材料及設備分類目錄 Building Materials Index
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建築材料 Building Materials

.機械設備工程 Building Equipments Projects
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Building Equipments Projects
B01; 建築施工機械 Construction & Engineering Equipment
B01;; 建筑及施工工具 Construction & Engineering Tools
B02; 機電工程設備 Electrical Engineering Equipment
B03; 冷氣空調設備 Air Conditioning Equipment
B04; 保安消防設備 Security & Fire Equipment
B05; 電子數碼通訊設備 Telecom Communications Equipment
B06; 家具家飾設計 Furniture, Design & Decoration
B07; 辦工傢俱設備 Office Furniture, Equipment
B08; 燈飾照明設備 Lamps & Lighting Equipment
B09; 浴室衛浴潔具、龍頭 Bathroom Sanitary Ware, Faucets
B10; 廚房廚櫃及設備 Kitchen Cabinet and Equipment
B11; 濾水設備 Water Treatment Equipment
B12; 物流倉儲設備 Logistic Warehouse Storage, Shelving & Equipment
B13; 公園、遊樂場及主題園設備 Parks, Playgrounds and Theme Park Equipment (Facilities)
B14; 園林綠化休閒設備(景觀育樂)工程 Landscaping & Leisure Equipment & Facilities
B15; 音響視聽及舞台燈光設備 Acoustical, Audio-Visual and Stage Lighting Equipment
B16; 醫療及復康設備 Medical and Rehabiliation equipments
羅莎建築設備 Rosa Building Equipment
機電工程設備 Electrical Engineering Equipment
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線上供應商記錄 Total Supplier(s) Record : 75
71 Balfour Beatty E&M Ltd
A leading mechanical & electrical services provider For more than 35 years, we have been a leading electrical and mechanical services provider in Hong Kong. Our expertise covers design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning for the construction, rail and power industries. We also offer a full range of building services disciplines and are committed to finding innovative solutions for our clients. As a member of the Gammon Group, and with quality as our watchword, we are dedicated to satisfying the demand for construction expertise and providing first-class service.
RosaRef : 9261 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-04-24

72 香港通用電器有限公司 GELEC (HK) Ltd
GELEC專門為建築及工業市場提供高質量的產品。GELEC分為四個主要部門 - 燈光部、機電器材部、電子部及建材部。GELEC is a sales, marketing, distribution and contracting organisation specializing in Engineered Solutions for the construction and industrial business sectors. Headquartered in Hong Kong with offices from Europe to Asia, GELEC has a strong professional and financial pedigree, across a diverse spectrum of engineering disciplines. Major divisions are: Mechanical & Electrical , Lamps and Lighting, Electronics, Construction.
RosaRef : 1202 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2010-03-09

73 安樂科技有限公司 Analogue Technical Agencies Ltd
業務涵蓋各類機電系統的總承包,服務包括樓宇機電設備、智能大廈系統、電腦支持系統、水處理及廢物處理、鐵路及智能運輸系統、電梯及電扶梯。 We offer total systems/solutions for building services installations, intelligent building systems, computer and environmental support, water treatment and waste management, railway and intelligent transport as well as lifts and escalators.
RosaRef : 9170 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-04-22

74 順昌電器工程有限公司 Shun Cheong Electrical Engineering Co Ltd
- specialist in providing a comprehensive range of building services engineering works for construction industry with more than 40 years experience for design, supply, installation, operation and maintenance of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems, electrical systems, security systems, fire services systems, water pump, water feature and water fountain systems.
RosaRef : 4864 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-05-11

75 National Concord Engineering Ltd
- specializing in supplying high quality electrical components to the building and automation industry. Brand Names : WAGO
RosaRef : 9124 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-04-16

Global brand

羅莎關鍵字搜尋 Rosakeyword search
立體停車塔 Car Park Equipments 送書梯 送菜梯 Electrical Equipments 升降機 電拉電升堆貨機 電梯 電動柵欄機 電動吊車 電動走道 電扶梯 風力發電 停車塔 停車設備 停車場收費系統 停車場設備生產商 油壓升降機 移動式無障礙平台 驗票機 車阻 輸送設備 昇降機 殘障電梯 無障礙入水設備 無機房電梯 病床電梯 大門機 地面多層式停車設備 景觀電梯 自動人行道 自動送菜梯 自動電扶梯 自動通風機 自動昇降機 自動泊車架 自動道閘 自動扶梯 貨梯 遙控設備 遙控器
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