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Building Equipments Projects
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羅莎建築設備 Rosa Building Equipment
家具家飾設計 Furniture, Design & Decoration
index search
锟斤拷y锟斤拷 線上供應商記錄 Total Supplier(s) Record : 125
1 進源傢俱公司 Supreme Furniture Co
進源傢俱 一直致力專注於實木、板類家具(家居家具 、辦公傢俱 、廚房廚櫃 ) 的工程業務,在香港參與多個大型工程項目,如英國領事館、香港專業進修學校、雇員再培訓局、普通話研習社、CTI 城市電訊寫字樓、奇華餅家、香港酒店、帝京酒店 (新世紀廣場)、國際金融中心2期及大埔帝恩苑……等等。 邁向廿一世紀,進源 將致力拓展「承傑家具 Supreme Furniture」 工程業務,為客戶提供 「健康傢俱 」,鼎盛企業社會責任。 Supreme Furniture
RosaRef : 6193 Market : 香港 Hong Kong; 中國 China; Last Update : 2012-03-22

2 聯昌行貿易有限公司 Nice Trading Co Ltd
專業窗飾供應商及承建商 - 經營窗簾和家俬布料。 >>> 捲簾、百折簾、屏風簾、百葉簾、維迪紗簾、羅馬簾、窗簾路軌、垂直簾、天幕窗簾、木百葉簾 ★窗簾路軌及各式窗簾配件等等,布料方面有遮光、半遮光及透光。 Specalist shading design for distributors, contractors, developers and retailers. >>> ˙Roller Blinds ˙Pleated Blinds ˙Panel Screen ˙Venetian Blinds ˙Ventex Blinds ˙Roman Blinds ˙Curtain Rail ˙Vertical Blinds ˙Skylight System ˙Timber Blinds
RosaRef : 1326 Market : 香港 Hong Kong ; 中國 China Last Update : 2012-03-20

3 B-alance
B-alance is part of Impulses International Furniture Co., Ltd. Impulses’ mission is to create places of happiness and beauty! Impulses was founded in Hong Kong. The main sales office is located in Bern, Switzerland. Production and purchasing are based in Guangdong in Southern China. There are design and quality control departments in both Guangdong and Bern, ensuring that the company truly combines the best of East and West. At Impulses we take our company culture and values very seriously. We encourage employees to set and achieve their goals in life, not just their work objectives. By achieving their full potential, our employees play a key role in the success of our company and our partners – a win-win situation for all involved.
RosaRef : 4696 Market : 海外 Oversea Last Update : 2009-09-21

4 百玥傢俬設計 Beverly Decoration Studio
:::創意 生活 傢飾 休閒 設計 隨想誌 -------織品 傢俱 燈飾 窗藝設計 抱枕 沙發
RosaRef : 10411 Market : 台灣 Taiwan; Last Update : 2010-10-20

5 Arredamenti Co Ltd
茲曼尼(GIORMANI)成立於1999年。 茲曼尼的梳化款式以歐美的設計為主,因為他們一直與意大利及德國的設計師合作,所以能將歐洲梳化設計及用料的最新潮流及意念帶到香港,設計能緊貼歐洲潮流及時有不同的創新設計,並且能做到質素與功能並重的梳化,故梳化產品一向頗受市場歡迎。現時茲曼尼的梳化分為5個系列:Sofabric、Easy Fit、Sixy Curve、 Modern Soft、Square & Seven。 每系列的梳化各有設計特色,以迎合不同顧客的品味及需要。 Giormani was founded by Mr. Kelvin Ng and Ms Jane Tong in 1999. Working with young designers from Italy, Germany and Hong Kong for years enables the Company to keep up with the latest trends from the continent and ensures a freshness of approach. Also, its designer team masterfully blends tradition and innovation, classic and contemporary designs, to create unique and modern sofas and armchairs. Giormani’s designs consistently combine functionality with creativity. Nowadays, Giormani mainly has five distinctive styles: Sofabric, Easy Fit, Sixy Curve, Modern Soft as well as Square & Seven. All have unique designs to suit different consumer preferences.
RosaRef : 1141 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2010-01-18

6 金柏木業有限公司 Glodpecko Timber Holding Co Ltd
★木皮拼花★Chairs ★Furniture, Hotel ★Furniture, Wooden ★Inlay, Wood ★Veneers, Wood
RosaRef : 1214 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-01-20

7 居庭有限公司 Alberobello Co Ltd
★戶外檯椅系列 ★籬笆系列太陽傘系列 ★燒烤爐系列曬衣架系列摺合式涼亭系列 ★戶外膠製儲物櫃系列 ★Outdoor tables Series ★Fence Series ★Solar Umbrella Series ★Barbecue Pits Series ★Drying racks Series ★Equivalent to a series of pavilions ★Outdoor PVC Lockers Series
RosaRef : 4897 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-04-14

主要業務範圍 : 項目工程 承辦嘉年華會 租售多款帳篷設施、活動座位看台及戶外傢俬等 Main Services - Event contracting - Carnival organising - Sales and hire
RosaRef : 1354 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2010-03-08

9 Lee Cheung Wooden Manufactory
Furniture - Kitchen (OEM) ‚ Decorations - Wooden (OEM) ‚ Frames , Picture / Photo (OEM) ‚ Furniture / Furnishing Accessories (OEM) ‚ Door - Wooden (OEM) ‚ Box & Case - Wood (OEM) ‚ Blister Packaging (Plywood base hanger for fruit)
RosaRef : 1258 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-01-23

10 C. K. Ma Co Ltd
euro furniture
RosaRef : 1521 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-05-15

Global brand
羅莎關鍵字搜尋 Rosakeyword search
Baby Furniture bb餐椅 bb床上用品 Child Furniture Children's Furniture Custom Made Furniture designer furniture Disney 傢俱 休閒傢俱 鞋櫃 梳妝檯 梳化 乳膠床墊 室內木質家具 室內家具 收納櫃 升降床 電腦桌 睡房傢俱 沙發 沙發套 沙發椅 沙發罩 沙發床 沙發床椅 沙發工廠 furniture Furniture & Decoration furniture design garden decoration indoor furniture 飯廳傢俱 Kohler residential furniture 宴會椅 枕頭 枕頭 枕具 真皮沙發 記憶床墊 印尼屏風 Rattan Furniture residential furniture SOFA solid pine furniture Solid Wood Furniture Steel Furniture Teak Furniture Wood Furniture wooden furniture wooden table 木製傢俱 木家具 傢俬布料 傢俱設計 傢俱配套 兒童傢俬 兒童餐椅 兒童桌椅 單 雙人枕頭 園藝傢俱 嬰兒枕頭 嬰兒餐椅 嬰兒床上用品 嬰兒床墊 寢飾 寢具 實木傢俱 彈簧床 書房傢俱 書桌 牆櫃 吧檯 被單 茶几 餐椅 餐椅套 餐桌 餐桌椅 玻璃餐桌 布藝沙發 床褥 床上用品 床墊 床櫃 防塵蟎寢具 仿古家具 防火布料 高餐椅 骨董 古典傢俬 古董家具 花梨木傢俱 化妝桌 家居配套產品 家居佈置 金屬傢俱 組合式家具 健康枕頭 酒吧椅 景觀傢俱 客廳傢俱 自動升降床 字畫



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