建築材料及設備分類目錄 Building Materials Index
專業 Professional

建築材料 Building Materials

.機械設備工程 Building Equipments Projects
.家居裝修材料 Home Decoration Materials .酒店設備供應及專業 Hotel Supply
Building Equipments Projects
B01; 建築施工機械 Construction & Engineering Equipment
B01;; 建筑及施工工具 Construction & Engineering Tools
B02; 機電工程設備 Electrical Engineering Equipment
B03; 冷氣空調設備 Air Conditioning Equipment
B04; 保安消防設備 Security & Fire Equipment
B05; 電子數碼通訊設備 Telecom Communications Equipment
B06; 家具家飾設計 Furniture, Design & Decoration
B07; 辦工傢俱設備 Office Furniture, Equipment
B08; 燈飾照明設備 Lamps & Lighting Equipment
B09; 浴室衛浴潔具、龍頭 Bathroom Sanitary Ware, Faucets
B10; 廚房廚櫃及設備 Kitchen Cabinet and Equipment
B11; 濾水設備 Water Treatment Equipment
B12; 物流倉儲設備 Logistic Warehouse Storage, Shelving & Equipment
B13; 公園、遊樂場及主題園設備 Parks, Playgrounds and Theme Park Equipment (Facilities)
B14; 園林綠化休閒設備(景觀育樂)工程 Landscaping & Leisure Equipment & Facilities
B15; 音響視聽及舞台燈光設備 Acoustical, Audio-Visual and Stage Lighting Equipment
B16; 醫療及復康設備 Medical and Rehabiliation equipments
羅莎建築設備 Rosa Building Equipment
廚房廚櫃及設備 Kitchen Cabinet and Equipment
index search
線上供應商記錄 Total Supplier(s) Record : 113
111 Ceramica Dolomite
Products: sanitary ware for bathrooms and public use, designer washbasins, kitchen sinks, acrylic bathtubs, furniture, brassware and accessories.
RosaRef : 1663 Market : 海外 Oversea Last Update : 2009-05-19

112 Rubinetterie Bandini S.r.l.
Ninety Years of history made of Bandini a reality which experience and skill in the bathroom field are rare in the world. An history marked out by a will of innovation, looking constantly for new technology, always more sure and sophisticate as well as by a will of research in the latest design, with a high aesthetic value as well as functionality. A History in which words like tradition and humanistic culture have been never forgotten.
RosaRef : 9025 Market : 海外 Oversea Last Update : 2009-03-22

113 LEICHT Küchen AG
LEICHT Kitchen
RosaRef : 9789 Market : 海外 Oversea Last Update : 2009-05-14

Global brand

羅莎關鍵字搜尋 Rosakeyword search
3D廚房設計 纖維星盆 纖維鋅盆 流理台 cabinet door 嵌入式平面爐 嵌入式爐頭 嵌入式爐具 星盆水龍頭 人造石枱面 Electrolux dishwashers 消毒烘碗機 飲水機 系統櫥櫃 瓦斯爐 Kitchenware 油煙機 調理設備 Stainless Steel Kitchen Sink 器皿存放架 煮食用具存放架 廚櫃配件 廚櫃檯面板 廚櫃組合 廚房纖維星盆 廚房星盤 廚房五金 廚房洗滌盤 廚房用具 廚房設計圖 廚房設備工程 廚房鋅盆 廚房實心仿石枱面 廚房檯面 廚房檯面板 廚房爐 廚房工作檯面 時尚廚房設計 濾水器 熱風烘乾 不銹鋼鋅盆 存放轉盤 烘碗機 組合廚櫃 綠色環保電源產品 烤微波爐 座檯式爐具
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