建築材料及設備分類目錄 Building Materials Index
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建築材料 Building Materials

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Building Equipments Projects
B01; 建築施工機械 Construction & Engineering Equipment

B01;; 建筑及施工工具 Construction & Engineering Tools

B02; 機電工程設備 Electrical Engineering Equipment

B03; 冷氣空調設備 Air Conditioning Equipment

B04; 保安消防設備 Security & Fire Equipment

B05; 電子數碼通訊設備 Telecom Communications Equipment

B06; 家具家飾設計 Furniture, Design & Decoration

B07; 辦工傢俱設備 Office Furniture, Equipment

B08; 燈飾照明設備 Lamps & Lighting Equipment

B09; 浴室衛浴潔具、龍頭 Bathroom Sanitary Ware, Faucets

B10; 廚房廚櫃及設備 Kitchen Cabinet and Equipment

B11; 濾水設備 Water Treatment Equipment

B12; 物流倉儲設備 Logistic Warehouse Storage, Shelving & Equipment

B13; 公園、遊樂場及主題園設備 Parks, Playgrounds and Theme Park Equipment (Facilities)

B14; 園林綠化休閒設備(景觀育樂)工程 Landscaping & Leisure Equipment & Facilities

B15; 音響視聽及舞台燈光設備 Acoustical, Audio-Visual and Stage Lighting Equipment

B16; 醫療及復康設備 Medical and Rehabiliation equipments

羅莎建築設備 Rosa Building Equipment
燈飾照明設備 Lamps & Lighting Equipment
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锟絍锟斤拷 線上供應商記錄 Total Supplier(s) Record : 86
★太陽熱能儲水系統安裝工程 ★船上衛視安裝工程Sat-Tv on Board ★衛星電視系統 SMATV安裝工程 ★空調節能熱水器 ★GPS衛星測位雷達超速警示系(車主必備)
RosaRef : 5746 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-11-23

2 Wah Sing Lamps Co
Our company established in 1980 and we are a sole ownership wholesale formation. Mainly produces the crystal chandelier, floor, chandelier, table and wall sconce, we also welcome custom made and hotel project.
RosaRef : 1224 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-10-15

3 Leviton Mfg. Company Inc.
Leviton 在業界提供先進照明設備控制產品是最多元化。 我們的控制包括箱子照明燈掣、居住傳感器、能量消耗監控系統、建築照明設備控制系統和戲劇性設備。 為設計專家,這意味更多選擇為提供理想的控制系統以供各種應用。 Leviton offers the most comprehensive line of leading-edge lighting control products in the industry. Our controls include box mounted lighting, occupancy sensors, energy management systems, architectural lighting control systems, and theatrical equipment. For the design professional, this means more options for delivering the ideal control solution for each application.
RosaRef : 7293 Market : 海外 Oversea Last Update : 2009-01-15

4 Grace & Joy Ltd
*Swimming Pool Cover *Pool Cleaning Accessories *Pool Building / Lighting Accessories *PVC Ground Pools, Toys & Liner *Pool Heating Equipment *Pumps & Filtration *SPA *Sauna & Steam Cabinets
RosaRef : 7457 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2011-06-23

5 Surplus Ind'l Co
The synthetic rattan furniture for indoor and outdoor The surfacing polymer sheet (MMA also available) for interior and its relative products of washbasin & sink, etc. The wind-solar street light and generator system ★3 Dimension Polymer Sheet ★Polymer Washbasin ★Wind-solar System ★Outdoor furniture
RosaRef : 1242 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-01-23

6 東大新材料照明控股有限公司 (8229 | 東大照明) Tungda Innovative Lighting Holding Limited
在歐洲、香港及中國從事其他製造商所製造的節能照明光源產品的貿易業務。 Tungda - the Leading Light Source Provider Combining Excellence with Innovation
RosaRef : 5708 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2011-08-25

7 Fulcom (Marshal) Co Ltd
主要從事電子產品的設計、開發和生產。主要業務是專業生產可視電子零部件,如,顯示塊、顯示幕、光電顯示和電子發光片(EL)等等。was established in 1997 and deals mostly in the design, development and fabrication of electronic products. Fulcom (Marshal) Co., Ltd. provide different visual products, electronic parts and components, such as LED display, video walls, optical fiber signs and Electroluminescent Lamps, etc.
RosaRef : 9102 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-04-15

8 振興五金物料供應有限公司 Chun Hing Hardware Material Supplies Ltd
RosaRef : 5627 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2010-05-18

9 諾誌工程有限公司 Signlogic Co Ltd
專業生產 : ★ 設計和生產各類型外牆大型電虹燈飾、招牌標誌,並提供工程安裝服務。設計、製作及安裝戶外大型廣告燈箱。店戶招牌、貴台及接待檯燈箱及裝飾工程。 ★ 物業各類型戶外、室內指示牌、導向牌等標識設計製作安裝代理國際通用、常用公共訊息指示系統、彩色標識吊掛招牌,室內外組合標誌牌等。Scope of services - Design and production of all types of large sized external neon lights decoration,logo signboard including installation services. - Design,production and installation of large sized external advertisement light box. - Shop front signage, the light box and decoration project for counters or reception desk. - Design,production and installation of different kinds of external and internal signages and the directory signplates of the building. - Agent for the inernational common is use of 'ALU-SIGN'propri-etary sign system.
RosaRef : 8081 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-04-23

10 華特集團 China-Tech Group
承接閉路電視系統、公共廣播系統、衛星及公共電視系統、保安系統等工程外,因 應時代的進步及現今的市場需要,集團亦同時發展為提供專業影音系統、大型LED、投射電 視牆、舞台及的士高燈光、視像會議及即時傳譯系統等專業設計、顧問及安裝的工程服務總承包 商,以及各界焦點所在的智能家居系統、家庭影院及光纖系統
RosaRef : 5741 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2010-06-03

Global brand
羅莎關鍵字搜尋 Rosakeyword search
Artemide artemide lighting AXO light 聲控開關 漏電保護裝置 ceiling light Ceiling Lighting Clipsal electrical accessories commercial lighting controls decorative Lighting Desk Lamps Energy-saving Lamp 日光燈 日光燈管 日光燈管供應 日光燈具 射燈 開關電源 開關制 石英燈泡 home lighting controls Hubbell Lighting 舞台 舞台燈 螢光燈管 庭園 庭園照明 太陽能 燈具 投射燈 lamp Products Lamps & Lighting LED Light led 燈泡 LED 燈具 Leviton lighting controls Lighting Lighting Control Lutron Electronics lutron switches 照明 照明設計 照明燈具 Outdoor Lighting 調光開關 Pool Lighting switches t5燈具 UL 認証 軌道燈 鎢絲燈泡 奇勝燈掣 clipsal switches 智能照明 宮燈 廣場 戶外照明 熒光燈管 燈飾 燈飾照明 燈具 燈具開關掣 燈具設計 環保燈飾供應 白熾燈泡 壁燈 玻璃燈罩 防水燈 泛光燈 節能燈 節能燈泡 節能燈管 家居燈飾 建築照明 緊急照明設備 景觀 桌燈 遙控開關



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