建築材料及設備分類目錄 Building Materials Index
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Building Materials Index
A01; 一般建材 General Materials
A02; 天花材料 Ceiling Materials
A03; 隔間材料 Partition Materials
A04; 水泥製品 Cement & Concrete
A05; 木材製品 Timber & Processing
A06; 五金材料 Ironmongery, Hardware Materials
A07; 門鎖材料 Door Locks
A08; 地材地坪 | 地板 Flooring
A09; 門窗設备 Door & Windows
A10; 金屬鋼材 Iron & Steel
A11; 油漆塗料 Paints & Varnishes
A12; 建築玻璃建材 Glass Construction Products
A13; 帷幕牆 Curtain Walling
A14; 化工建材 Chemicals
A15; 防水隔熱,保護 Waterproofing & Fire, Protection Materials
A16; 石材磚瓦 Stones & Tiles
A17; 裝潢材料 Decoration Materials
A18; 環保材料 Green Building Materials
A19; 耐震材料 Earthquake Resistant Materials
A20; 廢料回收 Green Recycle
A21; 人造石面材料 Solid Surfacing
羅莎建築材料 Rosa Building Materials
防水隔熱,保護 Waterproofing & Fire, Protection Materials
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锟斤拷頂凤拷漏 線上供應商記錄 Total Supplier(s) Record : 138
1 格雷斯(香港)有限公司 W. R. GRACE HK LTD
Grace建築產品公司提供各種新型的特殊建築化學品和材料,包括:混凝土摻加劑和纖維、建築水泥產品、水泥加工添加劑、混凝土砌築產品、結構防水系統和耐火產品。Grace Construction Products offers a wide range of innovative specialty construction chemicals and materials that includes: concrete admixtures and fibers, products for architectural concrete, cement processing additives, concrete masonry products, structural waterproofing systems and fire products.
RosaRef : 1442 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2010-01-18

2 深圳唯珂隔音材料有限公司
RosaRef : 2017 Market : 中國 China; Last Update : 2010-01-18

3 Wheeler Waterproofing (S&C) Ltd
- is a specialist contractor and material supplier for waterproofing, flooring system and building renovation. Brand Names : BRITORCH | RUBERFLEX | RUBEROID | SUPERBAR | SUPERBASE | SUPERFLEX
RosaRef : 1453 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-04-16

4 Protective Coatings Technology Inc
Poly Wall specializes in residential & commercial solutions such as waterproofing, foundation waterproofing, waterproofing membrane, air barrier membrane, damp proofing, water barrier, moisture barrier, cavity walls and other solutions for your home or business.
RosaRef : 1514 Market : 海外 Oversea Last Update : 2009-05-14

5 Sunley Engineering & Construction Co Ltd
Specialize in waterproofing, construction joint, lightweight concrete, floor hardener, self-levelling, concrete spalling, pressure injection, fire protection, epoxy flooring and house maintenance works.
RosaRef : 9682 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-05-11

6 瓦克集團 Wacker Chemie AG
★ 混凝土技术 - 高频插入振动棒 - 高频插入式振动棒 - 插入式振动棒、软管和驱动马达 - 高频外置振动器 - 电子频率和电压转换器 - 手扶式抹平机 - 坐式抹平机 - 振动式整平机 ★ 泥土和沥青压实 - 二冲程冲击夯 - 四冲程冲击夯 - 自动混油冲击夯 - 二冲程冲击夯(可变速) - 柴油冲击夯 - 振动平板夯 - 振动沥青平板夯 - 双向平板夯(BPU) - 双向平板夯(DPU) - 单钢轮振动压路机 - 双钢轮振动压路机 - 液压振动压路机 - 振动沟槽压路机 ★ 清拆和切割技术 - 汽油破碎镐 - 电动破碎镐 - 手提切割机(汽油) - 汽油路面切割机 ★ 水泵、发电机、灯塔 - 灯塔 - 离心污水泵 - 超值的轻型发电机 ★ 服务和配件 Wacker is a focused chemical company, Munich-based WACKER develops and manufactures products, intermediates and technologies for virtually all key industries worldwide.
RosaRef : 1006 Market : 海外 Oversea Last Update : 2013-06-11

7 建業堂有限公司 K Y Trading Company Limited
Brand Name: Western Blended Products, Roadware 10 Minute Product Description: “Western Blended” wall protection system, 100% direct imported from USA. Water and fire resistant, hide all cracks, stop efflorescence, prevent paints peel off, mould & mildew resistant and easy cleaning. Suitable for both interior and exterior walls, roofs, platforms and driveways. “Roadware 10 Minute Concrete Mender” can repair cracks, spalls in just 10 minutes. Deep penetration and won’t pop out like epoxy. Forms 4500 psi polymer concrete when combined with manufactured sand. Best for highway and car park. Brand Names ROADWARE 10 MINUTE | WESTERN BLENDED PRODUCTS
RosaRef : 7493 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-04-14

8 永發防水工程香港有限公司 Wing Fat Engineering (H.K.) Co Ltd
★主要承造各類型防水工程:任何樓宇天台、天花、內外牆身、磚牆、天幕玻璃、浴缸、咸淡水缸、泳池、花槽、窗台、升降機槽、伸縮篷及簷篷等 結構漏水問題。 ★更承造各種樓宇裝修工程:室內裝修、外牆修葺、地台或瓦磚重鋪、石屎修補、拆裝玻璃幕牆、鋁窗維修等工程。
RosaRef : 6623 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-08-30

9 華輝行(香港)有限公司 Wah Fai Hong Ltd
建築材料 : 黑水泥、白水泥、沙、石、磚、砂漿/批盪料、石屎維修、地台、防水料、瓦片、不銹鋼/鑄鐵、預製件、網、五金、馬路用品、石材、木材、機械/工具、工業用油…… Cement (black & white), Sand, Aggregates / Leca , Plaster, Concrete Repair, Flooring System, Waterproofing, Tiles, Stainless Steel / Cast Iron, Precast Concrete, Wire Mesh, Hardware, Road Product, Stone, Timber, Machine & Equipment, Industrial Oil, etc….
RosaRef : 1069 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2010-03-24

10 Skywood
RONSEAL (戶外地板護理 .水木蠟油 .著色塗料 .防水保護劑 .保護蠟 .末端防腐封邊劑 .清潔修復劑 .著色套裝 ﹏﹏戶外園林木器著色 .五年保固柵欄塗料 .五年保固著色塗料 .軟木花園傢俱著色塗料 .園林傢俱護理蠟 .戶外木器塗料 ﹏﹏ 室內金剛鑽系列 .金剛鑽透明地板清漆 .剛鑽著色地板清漆 .金剛鑽地蠟 .效能木材填縫劑﹏﹏環保室內地板護理 .地板清漆 .木器著色漆 .戶外地板著色塗料 .花園傢俱著色木蠟油
RosaRef : 10770 Market : 香港 Hong Kong; Last Update : 2011-09-02

Global brand
羅莎關鍵字搜尋 Rosakeyword search
antislip floor building waterproofing Earth Retention 人造石檯面 energy and thermal engineering 水箱防水 水喉匠牌照 Fire Protection Materials fire-resisting material Fire-stop materials Fireproof Material heat insulation 外牆防漏 外牆防水 橡膠隔熱磚 天面防水 天台防漏 填縫劑 insulation material Insulation Materials 屋頂防漏 屋頂防水 屋頂防水工程 屋頂隔熱 隙填塞材料 Load Support 補漏工程 油毛氈 游泳池防水 浴廁防水 Renovation System residential waterproofing roof insulation roof waterproofing system Slope Protection Soprema Sound insulation thermal insulation waterproof membrane Waterproofing Waterproofing Contractors Waterproofing Materials waterproofing system Windows waterproofing 排水板 止漏 止水材 導水板 溫濕防護 滲漏工程 瀝青防水膠 無收縮灌漿劑 發泡止水材 發泡保溫板 安全防爆膜 柏油防水 保冷材料 保溫隔熱的材料 不透水布 窗邊防水 地下室防水 地庫防水 防漏膠 防漏膠膜 防漏膜 防漏寶 防漏材料 防漏工程 防水施工 防水膠 防水膜 防水劑 防水氈 防水材料 防水防漏 防水粉 防水隔熱材料 防水工程 防滲防漏 防爆 防火泥 防火材料 防火堵料 防護材料 隔熱保溫 隔熱工程 抗滲劑



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