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品牌名稱 Brand Name :
或同級產品 or Equality Products
產品產地 Origin of goods :
供應商 Supplier Nature
生產商 Producer
總代理 Sole agent
Distributor 分銷商
提供材料 Supply Materials
施工工程 Projects
提供材料及施工 Supply Materials and Projects
ROSA will sources the right supplier and make PRICE-QUOTES according to buyers's requirement.
Products Description:
Minimum Qty equired :
交貨地 Place of Delivery Requested:
規格及標準 Standard
要求最底預算價格 Rock Bottom Prices(*限字250 words Only) 例:港幣$100.00/1平方米,價格包括香港本地運
FOR EXAMPLE : HK$100.00/ 1 sq. m., Price including? Hong Kong local delivery only. Pls specify prices required by Buyers are FOB HK, CIF Overseas!
付款條款 Payment terms expected (* 限字250 words Only)例: 50% 預定金, 货到付餘款 For Example : 50% Deposit, C.O.D. Balance.
交貨期 Time of Delivery: 例:確定訂貨日起計90日 For Example: WITHIN 90 DAYS AFTER RECEIPT OF FIRM ORDER
產品有效期 Product Warranty Period: 例: 交貨日起計12個月 For Example : Twelve (12) months from date of delivery
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