建築材料及設備分類目錄 Building Materials Index
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建築材料 Building Materials

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Building Equipments Projects
B01; 建築施工機械 Construction & Engineering Equipment
B01;; 建筑及施工工具 Construction & Engineering Tools
B02; 機電工程設備 Electrical Engineering Equipment
B03; 冷氣空調設備 Air Conditioning Equipment
B04; 保安消防設備 Security & Fire Equipment
B05; 電子數碼通訊設備 Telecom Communications Equipment
B06; 家具家飾設計 Furniture, Design & Decoration
B07; 辦工傢俱設備 Office Furniture, Equipment
B08; 燈飾照明設備 Lamps & Lighting Equipment
B09; 浴室衛浴潔具、龍頭 Bathroom Sanitary Ware, Faucets
B10; 廚房廚櫃及設備 Kitchen Cabinet and Equipment
B11; 濾水設備 Water Treatment Equipment
B12; 物流倉儲設備 Logistic Warehouse Storage, Shelving & Equipment
B13; 公園、遊樂場及主題園設備 Parks, Playgrounds and Theme Park Equipment (Facilities)
B14; 園林綠化休閒設備(景觀育樂)工程 Landscaping & Leisure Equipment & Facilities
B15; 音響視聽及舞台燈光設備 Acoustical, Audio-Visual and Stage Lighting Equipment
B16; 醫療及復康設備 Medical and Rehabiliation equipments
羅莎建築設備 Rosa Building Equipment
浴室衛浴潔具、龍頭 Bathroom Sanitary Ware, Faucets
index search
線上供應商記錄 Total Supplier(s) Record : 180
1 進源傢俱公司 Supreme Furniture Co
進源傢俱 一直致力專注於實木、板類家具(家居家具 、辦公傢俱 、廚房廚櫃 ) 的工程業務,在香港參與多個大型工程項目,如英國領事館、香港專業進修學校、雇員再培訓局、普通話研習社、CTI 城市電訊寫字樓、奇華餅家、香港酒店、帝京酒店 (新世紀廣場)、國際金融中心2期及大埔帝恩苑……等等。 邁向廿一世紀,進源 將致力拓展「承傑家具 Supreme Furniture」 工程業務,為客戶提供 「健康傢俱 」,鼎盛企業社會責任。 Supreme Furniture
RosaRef : 6193 Market : 香港 Hong Kong; 中國 China; Last Update : 2012-03-22

2 Renhe Sanitary Ware Manufactory
basin mixer, shower mixer, bathtub mixer, kitchen mixer, rain-shower combination, concealed installation shower combination, overhead shower, hand shower, single cold tap, filter purifier faucet......
RosaRef : 1092 Market : 中國 China; Last Update : 2010-04-09

3 益美潔具有限公司 ACME Sanitary Ware Co Ltd
「益美潔具有限公司」則成為專業化的衛生潔具經銷公司。 一九八五年榮獲「美國標準集團」(AMERICAN STANDARD)正式指定為香港及澳門地區獨家代理。自一九八六年以來,「益美」一直為美國標準潔具在全球最大的代理商之一。AMERICAN STANDARD Specialties -- Bath Accessories Mechanical -- Plumbing Fixtures Brand Names : American Standard | Dmp | Idrols | Recor | Shires
RosaRef : 1012 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2014-02-05

4 Massford (HK) Ltd
Massford is a leading name in the distribution of ironmongeries, plumbing fixtures, and building materials in Hong Kong, China, and Macau.
RosaRef : 9120 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-04-15

5 Bestmate Building Materials Co Ltd
Ceilings; Cubicles, Toilet
RosaRef : 9270 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-04-25

6 Super Star HK Co Ltd
優質玻璃馬賽克、假雪花石、洗手盆、橫切面木頭地磚等建築物料Glass Mosaics, Sink
RosaRef : 1217 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2010-03-09

7 Johnson Suisse (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.
Johnson Suisse (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.于1965年開始在馬來西亞營摺H缃瘢琂ohnson Suisse 在該領域擁有其中一間最先進的衛生陶器工廠,而且被公認為本地市場最大的衛生陶器製造商,其品牌價值和市場位置皆受肯定。JohnsonSuisse (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd started operations in Malaysia, in 1964. Today, JohnsonSuisse has one of the most modern ceramic sanitaryware factories in the region, and is recognized as the largest sanitaryware manufacturer in Malaysia, with both the leading brand name and market position.
RosaRef : 7943 Market : 海外 Oversea Last Update : 2009-01-15

8 志超工程有限公司 Chi Chiu Engineering Co Ltd
RosaRef : 1689 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-10-12

9 Robern
Robern is the leader in residential storage solutions, creating cabinets, vanities, mirrors, lighting, and accessories for bathrooms, hallways, foyers, and more. Robern pioneers development of the personal vanity environment by providing stylish designs, attractive finish options, and innovative features. Robern cabinets boast aluminum-framed construction that is both sturdy and rust-free, offering the highest level of quality and durability in storage for bathrooms and elsewhere. Robern is headquartered in Bristol, Pennsylvania, where it has existed since the company's founding in 1968. In 1995 Robern became a subsidiary company of Kohler Co., a world leader in products for the kitchen and bath.
RosaRef : 3679 Market : 海外 Oversea Last Update : 2010-01-10

10 華林建築材料有限公司 Wah Lam Building Materials Ltd
Brand Names: C/S -- Acrovyn, Supertrak DEKO -- Alum Metal Ceiling FORMICA -- Surell / Toilet Cubicle / Wall Panel GMC -- Alum Metal Ceiling JUNCKERS -- Sport Flooring Site Construction -- Multi-Purpose Court Surfacing Finishes -- Athletic Flooring Specialties -- Lockers -- Shower & Dressing Compartments Furnishings -- Stadium & Arena Seating
RosaRef : 1298 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2010-03-09

Global brand

羅莎關鍵字搜尋 Rosakeyword search
acrylic whirlpools American Standard bath American Standard 潔具 Americh Aquatic whirlpool Aquatic whirlpools architectural lighting 淋浴設備 面盆 bathroom bathroom cabinet bathroom design bathroom faucet bathroom furniture bathroom product Bathroom sinks Casero Casero bathtubs ceramic sanitaryware 乾手機 衛浴設備 三溫暖器材 電腦蒸氣房 電腦坐廁板 電熱水器 電吹乾手機 桑拿浴室 桑拿浴設備 水療設備 Faucets Faucets and Shower Hansgrohe INAX 洗手盆 洗手盆櫃 洗手盆抗菌 jacob delafon toilet kohler 潔具 landscape lighting Laufen sanitary ware Laufen Sanitaryware LED Street Light moen faucets 馬桶蓋 馬桶水箱 伊奈潔具 蒸氣桑拿浴設備 蒸氣浴室 蒸氣浴設備 蒸氣房 浴室 浴室鏡箱 浴室儲物架 浴室儲物架供應 浴室節水花灑 浴室抗菌潔具 浴缸水龍頭供應 roca bathroom roca bathtub roca坐廁 Sanitaryware shower curtain shower door Shower Room shower tray SPA 設備 SPA淋浴柱 Steam Shower Enclosure toto坐廁 urban lighting Villeroy & Boch 尿兜 廁所 廁所水箱 廁所水箱配件 廁所設施 廁所板 廁所抗菌 廚房水龍頭 熱水器 燈罩 按摩浴缸 按摩浴缸 Massage bathtub 按摩花灑頭 按摩花灑頭生產 按摩花灑頭供應 保健沐浴器化池 保健沐浴池 感應水龍頭 感應水龍頭供應商 節水龍頭 節水花灑 洪手機 花灑淋浴 花灑淋浴設備供應 花灑頭 抗菌水龍頭 抗菌潔具 坐廁板
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