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Building Materials Index
A01; 一般建材 General Materials
A02; 天花材料 Ceiling Materials
A03; 隔間材料 Partition Materials
A04; 水泥製品 Cement & Concrete
A05; 木材製品 Timber & Processing
A06; 五金材料 Ironmongery, Hardware Materials
A07; 門鎖材料 Door Locks
A08; 地材地坪 | 地板 Flooring
A09; 門窗設备 Door & Windows
A10; 金屬鋼材 Iron & Steel
A11; 油漆塗料 Paints & Varnishes
A12; 建築玻璃建材 Glass Construction Products
A13; 帷幕牆 Curtain Walling
A14; 化工建材 Chemicals
A15; 防水隔熱,保護 Waterproofing & Fire, Protection Materials
A16; 石材磚瓦 Stones & Tiles
A17; 裝潢材料 Decoration Materials
A18; 環保材料 Green Building Materials
A19; 耐震材料 Earthquake Resistant Materials
A20; 廢料回收 Green Recycle
A21; 人造石面材料 Solid Surfacing
羅莎建築材料 Rosa Building Materials
化工建材 Chemicals
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線上供應商記錄 Total Supplier(s) Record : 90
1 東偉企業有限公司 Oriental Gateway Enterprise Ltd
建材:土地填築襯裏〡木材防腐劑〡木線板〡大理石護理產品〡外牆抗水劑〡地板漆〡多彩塗料〡自動黏貼帶〡防水材料〡防潮材料〡金屬及木材防腐劑〡油漆與清漆〡屋頂材料/系統〡玻璃密封材料〡除漆劑/器〡排水織物〡塗料〡預製混凝土接縫劑〡膠黏劑及密封膠〡灌漿、灰漿、水泥漿〡瀝青及瀝青製品〡牆身特殊效果 品牌:ELASTOSIL Expansion joints Brick/block work Plastering and tiling Others (Light weight concrete) Brush painting Spray painting Others (Joint Sealant)
RosaRef : 5504 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-05-10

2 積水(香港)有限公司 Sekisui (Hong Kong) Ltd
★積水丙烯酸防水膠帶 ★S-LEC隔熱膜(隔熱夾層)
RosaRef : 1510 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-05-14

3 索普瑞瑪公司 Soprema
索普瑞瑪公司1908年創建於法國,是集科研、製造、施工 於一體的世界著名的防水材料製造商。 - manufacturer whose products include roofing, waterproofing, insulation, and skylights.
RosaRef : 2327 Market : 中國 China Last Update : 2009-12-29

4 Sealoflex Inc.
Manufacturer of products and systems for roofing, waterproofing and coating of buildings and structures.
RosaRef : 3673 Market : 海外 Oversea Last Update : 2009-01-14

5 八達膠管有限公司

RosaRef : 9035 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-04-10

Bona Far East & Pacific Pte Ltd
At Bona we are committed to the whole lifetime of wooden floors. We are devoted to providing solutions that keep a floor perfect during its entire life. Through Bona System we offer a full range of high performing, environmentally sound products. This covers everything needed to bring out the best in wooden floors: UV-coatings, sanding machines, dust care systems, abrasives, adhesives, finishes, oils and floor care products.
RosaRef : 10227 Market : 海外 Oversea; (新加坡 Singapore) Last Update : 2010-03-06

7 雅倫建築石料有限公司 A & A Building Materials Supplier
業務類型 : 石材批發、工具及化工產品批發、雲石護理翻新及保養ply Marble, Marble Tools & Marble Care Products
RosaRef : 1002 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2013-06-11

8 Centalink International Limited
Building Material - Fire-Resistant (Passive fire protection) ‚ Erection & General Finishing (For passive fire protection material)
RosaRef : 1216 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-01-23

9 富利安防水物料公司 Fullion Waterproofing Materials Co
物料種類 : 防曬防水亞加瀝膠膜、防水黑膠、防曬防水黑膠、透明防漏膜、天面防水蓆、彈性防水英泥、強化修補英泥、防水英泥添加劑、灌漿防漏膨脹針劑、強化石屎環氧樹脂針劑...等。 物料牌子: La Bond, Fosroc, Sika, Ronacrete, Thoro, Carlisle, BCR, Spectite, Polibit, Egogum, Tam, ABP Chemie, Tremco, Shell...等。Materials: Sun-proof Acrylic Waterproofing Coating, PU Waterproofing Membrane, Sun-proof PU Waterproofing Membrane, Transparent Waterproofing Coating, Plastomeric Waterproofing Membrane, Flexible Cementitious Waterproofing Coating, Non-shrinking Fibre-Filled Repair Mortar, Bonding Agent for Cement Mortar, Flexible Low Viscosity PU Injection Resin, Extra Low Viscosity Epoxy Injection Grout...etc. Brands: La Bond, Fosroc, Sika, Ronacrete, Thoro, Carlisle, BCR, Spectite, Polibit, Egogum, Tam, ABP Chemie, Tremco, Shell...etc.
RosaRef : 9396 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-04-29

10 易發牌(香港)有限公司 EMFI Hong Kong Ltd
EMFI易發牌早於1957年在法國生產各類黏膠劑,時至今日,我們已經累積了近50多年密封膠及黏膠劑生產經驗。 .密封膠系列 .磁磚膠系列 .自流平系列 .防水產品系列 .工具 .其他 .免釘膠Supplier of building adhesives, tile adhesive, silicone sealant, acrylic sealant, polyurethane sealant, self expansion PU foam, waterproofing membrane, self-levelling compound, adhesive for PVC & rubber flooring, color grouting mortar, cement additive, PV .......
RosaRef : 4537 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2011-07-13

Global brand

羅莎關鍵字搜尋 Rosakeyword search
脫模劑 construction chemicals 養護劑 epoxy 速凝劑 塑膠 塑膠材料 fiberglass FRP 填縫膠 矽利康 硬化劑 PU填縫膠 silicone sealant 膨脹劑 耐酸鹼樹脂 植筋膠 止滑劑 導熱膠 減水劑 環氧樹脂 保麗龍 玻璃纖維膠帶 玻璃纖維布 玻璃纖維網 磁磚黏著劑 防火填塞 防火延燒材料 防火管道 防菌劑 防護欄 防撞欄 灌漿劑 化學錨栓 接著劑 快乾膠 抗裂纖維
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