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Building Equipments Projects
B01; 建築施工機械 Construction & Engineering Equipment
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B02; 機電工程設備 Electrical Engineering Equipment
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B08; 燈飾照明設備 Lamps & Lighting Equipment
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B14; 園林綠化休閒設備(景觀育樂)工程 Landscaping & Leisure Equipment & Facilities
B15; 音響視聽及舞台燈光設備 Acoustical, Audio-Visual and Stage Lighting Equipment
B16; 醫療及復康設備 Medical and Rehabiliation equipments
羅莎建築設備 Rosa Building Equipment
燈飾照明設備 Lamps & Lighting Equipment
index search
線上供應商記錄 Total Supplier(s) Record : 86
1 創新彩(亞洲)照明有限公司 Creative Lighting Asia Ltd
Hong Kong (SAR) Distributors : Lumascape lighting | LED Lighting
RosaRef : 1034 Market : 香港 Hong Kong; 中國 China Last Update : 2012-10-24

2 Emme Pi Light
Founded in 1982, Emme Pi Light is most renowned for their attention to quality which extends all the way down to the minute details of their lighting design. Their range of products can be divided into two categories: the refined Maria Therese series and sleek Contemporary series.
RosaRef : 6366 Market : 海外 Oversea Last Update : 2009-09-28

3 Accentury Pte Ltd
DLUCES > Energy savings lighting solutions like CFL, induction lamps, LEDs LITZ > Interior and exterior luminaires like wall light, high bay, ceiling light, downlights etc.
RosaRef : 1349 Market : 海外 Oversea; (新加坡 Singapore) Last Update : 2010-03-05

4 歐斯朗公司 OSRAM Hong Kong Co Ltd
For 100 year, the name of OSRAM has been synonymous throughout the world with excellence in lighting. OSRAM was registered and protected as a brand name in 1906. In 1919, three manufacturers – Siemens & Halske AG, Deutsche Gasglühlicht Anstalt (Auer-Gesellschaft) and AEG – combined their lamp production operations. This was the birth of the successful company that is now OSRAM GmbH. We are now one of the two leading lighting manufacturers in the world.
RosaRef : 1454 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2010-03-09

5 康輝電腦工程有限公司 Artcom Computer Project Company Limited
傳訊顯示系統設計專家,創新的產品如多功能資訊顯示系統、彩色點距顯示屏幕、排隊輪候顯示系統及數碼時鐘系統等Electronic Display Systems
RosaRef : 1045 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2010-03-24

6 飛達商業燈飾明有限公司 Phitat Commercial Lighting Company Limited
Electrical -- Lighting ... to provide lighting solutions to professionals for both indoor and outdoor lighting.
RosaRef : 1339 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-02-16

7 歷程照明有限公司 Zodiac Lighting Ltd
We are the sole distributor for a number of famous lighting companies all over the world.
RosaRef : 4156 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-05-12

8 Interlite Lighting (HK) Ltd
Interlite Lighting supplies high quality products and solutions for all forms of lightings such as commercial lightings, outdoor lightings, emergency lightings, design & display lightings, industrial lightings and hazardous area lightings, and for both small-scale and large-scale projects.
RosaRef : 9192 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-04-23

9 怡寶電子系統貿易有限公司 B & R Electronic System (H.K.) Ltd.
室內外 LED 顯示屏及LED 各類燈飾工程
RosaRef : 1199 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2010-03-07

10 燈飾專線(香港)有限公司 Lighting Express (HK) Ltd
...... specializing in the import of top quality commercial and residential lighting products from Europe and the U.S.A selling to China and the southeast Asian market.
RosaRef : 1291 Market : 香港 Hong Kong Last Update : 2009-02-10

Global brand

羅莎關鍵字搜尋 Rosakeyword search
Artemide artemide lighting AXO light 聲控開關 漏電保護裝置 ceiling light Ceiling Lighting Clipsal electrical accessories commercial lighting controls decorative Lighting Desk Lamps Energy-saving Lamp 日光燈 日光燈管 日光燈管供應 日光燈具 射燈 開關電源 開關制 石英燈泡 home lighting controls Hubbell Lighting 舞台 舞台燈 螢光燈管 庭園 庭園照明 太陽能 燈具 投射燈 lamp Products Lamps & Lighting LED Light led 燈泡 LED 燈具 Leviton lighting controls Lighting Lighting Control Lutron Electronics lutron switches 照明 照明設計 照明燈具 Outdoor Lighting 調光開關 Pool Lighting switches t5燈具 UL 認証 軌道燈 鎢絲燈泡 奇勝燈掣 clipsal switches 智能照明 宮燈 廣場 戶外照明 熒光燈管 燈飾 燈飾照明 燈具 燈具開關掣 燈具設計 環保燈飾供應 白熾燈泡 壁燈 玻璃燈罩 防水燈 泛光燈 節能燈 節能燈泡 節能燈管 家居燈飾 建築照明 緊急照明設備 景觀 桌燈 遙控開關
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