Rosa SME Marketing Services

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852 - 6109 3969
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Developer & Contractor   Property Management   Professional
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羅莎關鍵字 Keyword
Rosa SME Marketing Services
Ref. No: M- 10468
自1996年以來一直佔據建築材料市場的領域,排名曝光率自然取勝。羅莎建築材料關鍵字組合千變萬化,且創造了無限的引徑,多年來在google、yahoo的搜尋結果排名仍居榜首或第二頁。皆因羅莎為使用者提供高素質且專業的搜尋結果及功具,使用者不用花很長的時間在網海上尋尋覓覓,便可以快捷輕易地掌握所需資訊。 羅莎關鍵字引徑有效地助您減省關鍵字的推廣成本,《Multi Web 》羅莎設有8個搜尋網站,同時也是客戶的增值網站,使客戶在市場上更具優勢,創造了多贏的局面。而且創造成本極便宜,省了錢 ,但推廣效能卻不省半點。客戶商貿訊息更可廣泛地被傳動複寫,流覽率更遠勝自建網站,推廣效益顯赫,大型的網站也不可達。 羅莎創先泛思的市場推廣發展為導向,使羅莎在專業領域上不斷擴展、更具優勢。羅莎強勢部署,嬴得國際眾多客戶的見證與信賴。 誠邀貴公司加入我們的行列, 掌握先機。 ﹏﹏ 年費僅$480.00 ﹏﹏

Rosa Building Materials Services Center Rosa, a specialty, the high quality brand. We have more than ten years building materials information service experience. Creates the first idea in the market promotion and development direction. Causes www.bldg-materials.com.hk for the internet building materials information main entrance. The enterprise information is transmitted widely and the duplication. The browsing rate rosa web more than your web is high. Promotion benefit is very sucessfull. The large-scale web site may not reach. ★(Rosa Honer) 1)1996 bldg-materials.com.hk 2) 2007 bldg-materials.com 3) 2007 bldg-materials.cn 4) 2008 bldg-materials.asia 5) 2009 bldg-materials.info 6) 2009 bldg-materials.biz 7) 2010 bldg-materials.net 8) 2010 bldg-materials.org
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All right reserved. Last Update:2020-12-18﹏﹏Rosa Advertising Co. (Since 1992)
hotline: 852-6109 3969 ﹏﹏ fax:852-2556 1234 ﹏﹏ e-mail: rosactr@bldg-materials.com.hk