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    PGH Bricks & Pavers
  上載日期 UploadDate : 2018-05-18
語言Language : English
PGH Bricks - Corium Launch Video PGH Bricks & Pavers
InBrick from PGH Bricks & Pavers brings the natural beauty of real brick to precast concrete panels, combining the choice and design flexibility of brick with the inherent qualities and construction benefits of precast concrete.

The ability of precast concrete to take virtually any shape makes it a defining construction material of contemporary design.

InBrick is an inlay brick system that embeds genuine clay brick tiles into precast concrete panels, providing the look and feel of brick, with its durable aesthetic, to precast concrete panels. These precast panels can be for structural or non-structural purposes, depending on the building type and application.

With InBrick the look of brick can now be used to stunning effect in the design and construction of concrete structures. InBrick offers a genuine brick finish for projects where precast concrete panels are required.

InBrick allows innovative, complex and precise bond patterns to be brought to life quickly and cost-effectively resulting in stunning brickwork elevations.

For more information go to www.pghbricks.com.au/inbrick
irosaLiveID : 55
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