羅莎環球建築材料資料中心 .Rosa Building Materials Information Center .搜尋器、搜尋引擎、搜尋網
羅莎 自1992年成立以來,一直佔據建築材料市場的資訊領域,排名、曝光率自然取勝。 羅莎關鍵字,有效地助您減省關鍵字的推廣成本。
省了錢 ,但推廣效能卻不省半點。客戶商貿訊息更廣泛地被傳動複寫,流覽率更遠勝自建網站,推廣效益超越,大型的網站也不可達。
E. Bon Group of Companies (E. Bon), established since 1976, is a public Group listed in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Limited (Stock Code : 0599) and is also known to be one of a major architectural hardware, bathroom, and kitchen collection suppliers in Hong Kong.